3 Products
Custom Poly Cutting Edges
Stop scratching your asphalt! Install a May Wes UHMW Poly Cutting Edge to protect your pavement from plow damage. We manufacture our poly blades from slick and durable virgin UHMW poly versus inferior reground poly. They are custom cut to fit your snowplow blade, bucket, box or snow pusher. Suitable for snow, fertilizer, forage, manure, recycling and other applications.
May Wes poly cutting edges are proudly Made in U.S.A. and are available unbeveled for vertical plows (snowplows, snow pushers, box plows) and beveled for horizontal plows (skid steer and tractor mounted buckets). We also custom manufacture a wide range snow plow and pusher parts to your specification, including skid shoes for snow pushers and box plows and bushings for box plows.
Minimum Order $100. Featured by Stanley the Dirt Monkey and Fast Ag Montana!