The crops are out, the fields are tilled, and hopefully you’ve had a well-earned rest. Now it’s time to head out to the shop and get started on your winter maintenance projects.
Winter’s the perfect time to complete the projects you couldn’t get to last summer, but can’t afford to put off any longer. As Dad and Grandpa probably told you, “Benjamin Franklin had it right. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
To help you get started on your checklist, we put together a list of maintenance projects ideally suited for winter “downtime.”
Auger Wearshoes and UHMW Tube Liners for Combines and Grain Carts
Whether you have a new auger you are looking to protect or an old auger that is showing its wear, you can greatly extend auger life by bolting on May Wes auger wearshoes. For complete protection, install May Wes UHMW tube liners. Wearshoes bolt on using UHMW poly capped bolts. We have many in stock and ready to ship, but also can make custom wearshoes and have them shipped to you within a couple of weeks. Order now so you are ready to go for spring planting.
Hay Baler Maintenance Projects
That first cut will be here faster than you know, especially with this mild winter. Now’s the perfect time to install a BaleSkiis Baler liner, replace your noisy metal pickup bands with whisper quiet Poly Pickup Bands, and install Black Talon rubber coated baler teeth. A BaleSkiis liner will take the better part of a day to install, something you will be happy you did over the winter instead of scrambling to fit it in between planting, cutting and baling. While you’re at it, outfit your baler with rubber coated baler teeth and new poly pickup bands. Your baler will run so efficiently you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.
Corn Head Winter Maintenance Projects for Corn Growers
Kernel Keepers
You saw our Kernel Keepers on the Millennial Farmer last fall, but probably didn’t have time to install them. Our Kernel Keeper Rail & Brush Kits will dramatically increase your yields and are well worth the time to install. Stop feeding the deer and feed your family instead. We make the Kernel Keeper UHMW rails right here in the U.S.A. in our Hutchinson, Minnesota plastic CNC routing and fabrication shop.
Corn Head Auger Trough Liners
Corn head troughs often get neglected, but sparing a day to install a May Wes UHMW Corn Head Auger Trough Liner will reap huge rewards come harvest by preventing grain from falling through rust holes. May Wes Corn Head Auger Trough Liners are much easier to install than replacing the OEM metal liners. You simply drill and rivet into place. We make them in our Minnesota plastic fabrication shop.
G4 Stalk Stompers
Our world famous G4 Stalk Stompers are not just for combines. Install them on your planter and tractor to protect all your tires! Don’t wait until August to install your corn head G4 Stalk Stompers. Get them now to avoid the longer shipping lead times of the busy harvest season. G4 Stalk Stompers are a great investment. They will save you thousands of dollars on tires and tracks.
Combine Winter Maintenance Projects
Grain Tank & Auger Bed Liners
These are both big jobs, but they will reap HUGE rewards. Take the time this winter to finally line your grain tank and auger bed with May Wes poly. The UHMW liners simply rivet into place. Grain Tank Auger Trough Liners and Auger Bed Liners are made from 1/8" thick UHMW poly in our Minnesota shop.

Grain Head Winter Maintenance Projects to Increase Yields and Resale Value
Now is a great time to give your grain head a good look over so it’s ready to go next harvest, or will command a better price if it’s time to upgrade your header. May Wes offers numerous poly products to protect your grain platform and increase efficiency and yields.
Get your grain platform ready for next harvest by completing the following repairs this winter:
UHMW Poly Skid Shoes – Replace those worn out skid shoes with premium UHMW Poly Skid Shoes from May Wes. Don’t forget we now have compression molded UHMW cutterbar skid shoes available that are thicker than OEM at a fraction of the price. May Wes UHMW skid shoes are proudly made in U.S.A. in our plastic CNC routing and fabrication shop and compression molding shop.
Grain Head Auger Trough Liner – If your grain head liner is starting to look like an old rust bucket, get it lined right away with a UHMW Grain Head Auger Trough Liner and stop pouring grain back onto the field. This project only takes a few hours and is easy to do by yourself or with a helper. Our UHMW liners can be used over holes as big as softballs. Check out the Larson Farms video to see how easy it is to get this job done.
Poly Retractable Fingers – Break a metal finger and you’ll be sorry if gets into your threshing system. Now’s a great time to replace your grain drum fingers with Poly Retractable Fingers from May Wes. You can replace just the broken metal fingers or play it safe and replace all the metal fingers with poly fingers. While you’re at, repair your dented grain head auger drum using a Tru-Tube Auger Straightener. It works way better than a torch and crowbar.
You can order all these products online or from your local May Wes dealer. Or give us a call at 1-800-788-6483.